Barcelona Skate Tour

10.00 - 300.00
Barcelona Skate Tour

(Scorri la pagina per la versione Italiana)

Get your skate tour of Barcelona, from beginners to expert.

We meet up in Arc de Triomf where you get the board of your choice (penny, skate, cruiser, surfskate or longboard, scroll down to pick the board that you like the most or just ask me for tips).
From here we have an effortless cruise until Barceloneta beach. On the way is full of skate spots and nice areas to chill, but up to your skills we can personalize the itinerary changing starting and ending point. For the beginners we teach the basics (how to push, how to brake and the carving).
If you are a streetskater we'll visit some different spots and film your tricks.

If you pick the option with the videoshooting you will have a professionally edited video of a few minutes, we can share it or keep it private up to your preferences (write me a note).

Purchase the "extra raw footage" option to have it, I will shoot more and make a preselection of the clips in order to provide you a better experience if you want to use them in other video editing.
(if you book for more people pay the extra footage option only one time)

Check more videos or read the article of El Periodico (Barcelona main Newspaper) about this tour.

write to me to tell me about your skate style and be inserted in the most compatible group.

Or reach me on instagram @sk8barcelona

You can check our reviews on Facebook,

Call, telegram or whatsapp at +34 601371895

Follow me on  Instagram and  Youtube

Activate the english subtitles in the video, it is in Italian :)

Prenota il tuo Skate Tour di Barcellona, da principianti a esperti.

Partiamo da  Arc de Triomf dove vi affideró la tavola che preferite (penny, skate, cruiser, surfskate o longboard) a fine pagina puoi vedere tutte le nostre tavole, sceglierne una o chiedermi consiglio.
Da quí scenderemo con poco sforzo sino alla spiaggia di Barceloneta. Nel cammino troveremo vari skate spots e piazze per rilassarsi tra una sessione e l'altra. Per i principianti prima di partire insegneremo le basi: la spinta, la frenata e il carving.

Scegliendo l'opzione con il video gireró e monteró un video professionale del tour, posso condividerlo sul mio canale o tenerlo private a seconda delle tue preferenze.
Se desideri avere il girato acquista anche l'opzione "extra raw footage", con questa opzione filmeró piú contenuto ed effettueró una preselezione per fornirti una migliore esperienza nei tuoi montaggi personali.

Guarda altri video o leggi l'articolo su El Periodico (Giornale principale di Barcellona) sul mio tour.

Potete scrivere a [email protected] per comunicarmi il vostro stile di skate di modo che possa inserirvi nel gruppo piú compatibile

Potete leggere le recensioni di chi ha partecipato al tour su Facebook, Airbnb Video tour e Airbnb 2 hours skate

Chiama o scrivimi su whatsapp o telegram al +34 601371895

(il numero é solo per lavoro, se mi segui su youtube e non devi prenotare
uno skate tour ti prego di contattarmi su instagram, vedi sotto)

Seguimi su Youtube e  Instagram

Pick your board and write it in the note together with the date that you prefer, give me at least two options in case one is already been picked or out for rent.
You can also rent it with a discount after the tour.
(example: Longboard B or D Cruiser C)
Scegli la tua tavola e lascia una nota assieme alla data che preferisci. Scegli almeno due opzioni in caso una delle due sia giá state scelta o stia fuori in noleggio.
Ricorda che puoi noleggiarla con uno sconto a fine tour.

Cruisers are ideal to move around the city, they are enough fast, agile and light to hold while you aren't skating.

Longboards go faster and are great to learn as they are very stable.
The last one, the major arc, give a special feeling as it turn almost like a surfskate, but it stay very low in the ground, it is harder for beginners, while surfers and snowboarders usually love it.

Skateboards aren't good for beginners,they are made to perform tricks that require weeks or months of practice, they will feel slow for regular cruising, unless you request the old-school with softer wheels

To get to move on a surfskate you need at least a previous experience on a skate/cruiser or to have a very good balance, they are fast only after you get the technique

With this longboards, if you already skate, you can learn some dancing/freestyle tricks in a few hours